Basking in Other’s Glory

I’m not sure what my unique talent is. I’m not being negative about my own strengths and talents, I’m aware that I have some, I’m just not sure that I have any that could really be described as unique. This and the fact that sometimes I feel like all I do here is talk about myself led me to seek out other people’s talents on Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day.

My search, as it often does, led me to the internet. I am a modern, tech savvy gal after all. I found three incredible videos showcasing three very different talents, each equally impressive.

The artwork that the man in this video produces in just 6 short minutes is stunning and I’ve never seen anything like it before. My house mate unfortunately, explained that you see many busking artists doing this on the streets of Barcelona but I don’t think that makes it any less beautiful.

These America’s Got Talent quarter finalists, perform a dance that is breath-taking to watch and I completely fell in love with the use of projection which, combined with seamlessly graceful movement, produced something entirely fresh and unique.

Finally, I came across this. I’ll admit that I judged. I saw this video with ‘Girl with unique talent’ as the title, looked at her normal, home video starting shot and made the assumption that I was going to be able to share with you something ridiculous that would be right at home on the audition stages of the X Factor. The opening shows where the talentless (or at least in the realms of singing) embarrass themselves on National television.

I was wrong. Albeit slightly strange and perhaps bordering on ridiculous in it’s nature, the talent this girl has is really quite extraordinary. Take a look.

And now I turn to you, dear readers. What is your unique talent?

Answers on a postcard please.

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