The (Not So) Great Cull

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI’ve struggled with the challenge recently.  There have been days which have grasped my imagination and sparked my enthusiasm, Origami Day being one such example, but there have been days when other things have taken precedent and superceded any celebration that might have taken place.

I’m trying hard not to give up as I’m so close to completing the year and even with a few days missing this will be quite an achievement but it’s tough and I’m sorry to say I’ve lost a few days in the last week.

I did however, take the opportunity yesterday, to undertake a Facebook cull for Unfriend Day. I’m never particularly good at these. I love people and I love that Facebook keeps you connected with people who might otherwise disappear from your life. I may have people on there that I haven’t seen in years or met in passing on a crowded Vietnam bus or at a drunken Thailand beach party but I like to think that if I ever found myself in their home countries, I’d look them up.

Therefore, I only managed to delete a grand total of 19 people from a 699 strong list. The amazing thing about that number is that,  bar the few people I deleted, I’ve met every single one of them. That realisation was a nice reminder of how colourful and beautiful life is.

Each of those people means something to me, however big or small and I’m happy to have kept them.

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